We’ve listed here Woodhall Spa community groups and good causes who have received Festival Grant Awards…
Coronation Road – Grass Verge Repair
Dec 2019
We have paid for the repair of the grass verge on Coronation Road which has suffered badly from ruts caused by cars. Additionally Woodhall in Bloom have planted Daffodil bulbs in the verge.
St Peter’s Church Hall – Defibrillator Cabinet
Sept 2019
We have funded the cabinet for the Defibrillator at St Peter’s church hall.
Woodhall Spa in Bloom
April 2019
For the purchase of new oak barrel planters for the Broadway in Woodhall Spa. To make Woodhall a more attractive place for residents and visitors alike.
Woodhall Spa Guides
April 2019
For the purchase of Guide log books for the guides to record their training and learning.
Woodhall Spa Scouts
April 2019
For the purchase of camping equipment, cooking stoves to be precise, for use on camping expeditions.
St Peter’s Church Hall
January 2019
Grant: £400
This grant is for a specialized defibrillator cabinet to house this life saving equipment on the outside wall of St Peter’s Church Hall.
The Cottage Museum
December 2018
Grant: £250
For the purchase of a replacement gazebo for the use of the Cottage Museum in their grounds across the seasons.
Wartime Woodhall Committee
December 2018
Grant: £99
A grant to pay the cost of printing a guide leaflet for the Wartime Woodhall trail.
Like to apply for a grant from us?
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