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Community Benefit

community benefit

The community benefit of the Woodhall Spa 40s Festival

The community benefit reaches far and wide.

We recognise that there is inconvenience for some residents and that all business don’t financially benefit equally from the festival. But in the round, the boost the Festival brings to the local economy and the knock on benefit to the community is substantial.

We’ve collected here testimonials and grant donations that reflect the benefits of the Festival in the community.

More detail here about community benefits…

Local good cause testimonials about the benefit of the Festival to them: Woodhall Spa Good Causes

business testimonials

Local business testimonials about the benefit of the Festival to them: BEING UPDATED – Woodhall Spa business testimonials

festival grant awards

Woodhall Spa 40s Festival grants to local good causes: Festival Grants awarded to local good causes

Would you like to apply for a grant from the Festival?

Are you a Woodhall Spa good cause?
Like to apply for a grant from us?